Homicide. He wasn't brave enough to do it himself.
Yes I agree with you that is why them jail guards were asleep
A suicide is a type of homicide anyway. But yeah, Epstein didn't kill himself.
Yes, I agree with
Homacide. He knew too much but he had too much to live for. The guards were paid or ordered to look the other way. It haperns all the time in Mafia land. Remember Abe Rellis. He was a witness against the Mob. He "Jumped" out a forty story window on the eve of the trial. lol. >>> You should check out the Netflix documentary on Jeffrey Epstein. Its wild.😕
Yes, I agree with you
The death is certainly suspicious. I'd say: impossible to draw any firm conclusion, given the information available to the public.
Yes, I agree with you
Lots of people involved with the Clinton family mysteriously kill themselves. Its a natural occurrence thats what democrats do to keep people quiet. Its been happening for the last 60 years.
Yes, I agree with you
I think someone wanted him dead. A homicide.
Yes, I agree with you
A convenience. He had too much sordid information on important people who used his services.
Yes, I agree with you
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