You're not drinking enough water. An adult should drink at least 2 quarts of water per day to replace the water that is lost through normal body functions. Because water regulates every function in the body, a water deficiency ("dehydration") will affect different people in different ways. When you lose water you also lose salt and thus, the medical claims against salt are wrong - salt needs to be replaced as well. Most people think that bones are made of just calcium. But calcium alone isn't strong enough to support the upper body. About 27% of the body's salt content is stored in the bones. The salt intertwines with the calcium and this is what gives the bones their hardness. When you don't replace the water and salt, eventually, the 5th lumbar vertebrae gets to where it can no longer support the weight of the entire upper half of the body, and the familiar "question mark" appearance begins to develop. Many cases of arthritis can be reversed by eliminating the cause (dehydration) - but not all. Much depends on the severity of the condition and how long it has lasted. One thing is certain - drinking more water and using a little more salt won't make things worse.
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