Tell your parents it's how you feel and they should respect you I'm sorry your parents place you on the spot about things
I don't mean to come across as rude or pretentious, in fact I appreciate the response, but that's what I've tried telling them, and they still continue to question me. -
Yeah, I'm sorry you are facing this .. Maybe go with them to talk this over with a counselor .. You are a voice to be heard ..Your parents should be understanding of you and respect you. -
Asad Shaukat Ali Malta
I think that instead of reading up on it and repeating what you've read in medical terms, just tell them in plain English, ie I look down and my body and it doesn't match the way I feel inside and I'm unhappy, say when you see your body it matches your masculinity your insides, well I feel the opposite. Then tell him what you want to do, ie Dad even if you don't get it, I want to get some counselling to see if that will help me. Dads don't always know how to handle this sort of thing, men are brought up to discuss feelings less than women.
Asad Shaukat Ali Malta -
That's actually something I should try, Thank you. I can't say I haven't tried to not explain in medical terms to him, so that might help -
It's worth a try :) -
Donna, sorry I couldn't do more and don't trust these people who send spam to you or write in another language cause Lord only knows what they are saying to you? -
I put it on google translate DWW, but it didn't show anything.
You don't have to prove it to them. Chances are you're just confused and caught up in the "I can get attention by being different" thing. Try being different by achieving something. Do something good for someone else. Get outside your own self for a while. Have you talked with your school counselor? Or anyone with a degree to diagnose you? Your parents might be more likely to listen to them.
I offer you this Answer: As a father, my son came to me saying he wanted to be called Kate. He now identified as female. You can guess It took me some time to grasp what he was telling me. Please consider that as hard as this is for you, and “I do not, nor could I” begin to fathom your feelings. I can imagine that your family is confused as well. In my case, after millions of questions on my part, and feeling like someone had killed my son Jacob. This person named Kate looked at me and saw i was hurting too finally said to me. “You know all those guys at the VA that we see at your appointments. (YES) There are some missing arms and legs. They have told me about their missing limb syndrome (YES). Thats how feel when i see myself, I look at myself and think something is missing.” So my beautiful new daughter Kate found a way to explain to me in a way i understood. So please, give them a chance they are scared and confused as well. Its hard on both sides when a major change happens in anyone’s life. A lot of love and understanding can do some impressive things. I wish you luck and happiness.
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