• Bread pudding. Easy, good, nice "presentation". Even better, Caramel Raisin Pudding. ~ (Dough)~ 1/2 cup each- melted butter, sugar, milk. 1 c. raisins. 1 & 1/2c. flour. 1/8 t. salt. 1 rounded t. baking powder. Mix all together and pour into greased casserole dish. (Sauce) ~ 1 c. brown sugar. 2 c. cold water. Pour over dough. Bake 30 minutes @ 425°. You might make two instead of doubling the recipe in one dish.
  • I would say any dish you can use as a condiment any Heinz relax product.
  • If you're making a turkey the best advice I can give is if you buy it frozen give it enough time to defrost. Some people don't realize that depending on the size of the turkey it can take 3 days in the fridge to defrost and several hours to cook! How many people are you cooking for? Or are you bringing a dish to a pot luck type dinner? If you have an animal keep them away from the food. I've seen tons of animal fails when it comes to Thanksgiving. If you are frying your turkey do so outside and make sure it is completely defrosted and DRY or it could explode and catch fire. Whatever you choose if this is your first time do a practice run before the main event. Do you know which dishes your family likes? You can get any recipe online and the best ones are usually at the top of the list. Also keep in mind if refrigerator space is at a minimum you can use a cooler for defrosting the turkey. And if oven space is at a minimum you may want to get a casserole rack that can hold three casserole dishes beside your turkey as it cooks, and potatoes can be shoved in the nooks and crannies, and the microwave can be a big help also. The family usually designated me to bring a salad because I cut the veggies in chunks instead of shredding or thin slices. Eventually I embraced the idea and brought a small 'salad bar' because everyone likes different things in their salad, and any one thing can ruin it for anyone. A 7 or 8 section tray (or two) is helpful for this.
  • Here are 34 traditional Thanksgiving recipes: ENJOY!

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