Neanderthal is a type of person, they are with us today!! It's not an era of evolution
Cry me a River
They are nonbelievers, wicked, wicked. And yes, they knit; lies. -
bostjan the adequate 🥉
Neanderthals, as a species, went extinct tens of thousands of years ago. Some were genetically assimilated, though, so some of their genetics live on in people like me. -
Cry me a River
We don’t care, long as your jaws are intact :D
I would have thought they would be too busy looking for food and shelter. Cool! Interesting article! Thank you for sharing it.
bostjan the adequate 🥉
The more we learn about them, the more it appears that they were once more advanced than contemporary homo sapiens. I suppose that shouln't be a surprise, as living in a colder climate with sparser vegetation means more necessity for skills like making clothes and storing food.
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