According to Wiki: "In Internet slang, a troll is a person who starts quarrels or upsets people on the Internet to distract and sow discord by posting inflammatory and digressive,[1] extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community (such as a newsgroup, forum, chat room, or blog) with the intent of provoking readers into displaying emotional responses[2] and normalizing tangential discussion,[3] whether for the troll's amusement or a specific gain." Like this one: Is that pervert who was stalking me on here about three years ago still here? Or has he been banned by now? When that user was obviously just joking and this person wanted to come here to AB stirring up crap. Then they try and make you out to be the troll because you disagree with them. Obviously if they were stalked they wouldn't come back here trying to call them out, or post anywhere else publicly. They'd be too afraid! This was done for the sole purpose of starting something and drawing attention to themselves! This user joked like that with everyone EVEN ICE MAN!! He laughed about it and joked back like most normal people do! And as for a 'negative comment' that depends on the viewer. What seems negative to one person could very well be someone posting correct information that simply disagrees with the poster who has wrong information! In which case it would not be negative at all, simply viewed that way by someone with incorrect information. And just because someone disagrees with you doesn't mean they are a troll. They simply do not agree with you!
Linda Joy
And after watching the video I can agree that they end up doing the exact thing they are accusing you of doing! Hence the adage never argue with a fool its difficult for spectators to discern the difference. I didn't use quotes because I'm sure I didn't get that word for word.
In this context, I believe that a troll is someone who misrepresents their own position on a controversial topic in order to upset people. It's become obvious, though, the past several years, that a large portion of internet users define a troll as simply someone with whom they disagree. A few years ago, I got banned from a site for "trolling," even though I didn't even post a comment. I simply downvoted another comment which used very shoddy logic to support a position with which I happened to disagree.
Depends on the country, as definitions differ in culture and languages . In America you would say that they are a "triggering person" or "troll" for short. In Britain, as we speak proper English, you could call them an "argumentative person". In Arabic you could roughly translate it as "person who would fight with his own feet". Trolling is a personality habit. Whereas negative comments are just people going off.
bostjan the adequate 🥉
Hwaem thou doth gemyntest? Ic pro asprecan faedlic Englisc! Eower samgung had!
Trolling is deliberately posting something offensive or controversial. It's not the same thing as a negative comment like "I don't like cricket".
According to Jenny Rizzo's dictionary and I say my dictionary, because that's my point of view: there are trolls who like to pull drive-bys on people's comments by posting negative comments in a vulgar way. They disappear like a bat out of hell, hoping other members will take the bait to see them verbally pound each other lol, it sounds funny, but it's true. It's similar to a group of guys walking into a bar. One guy tells the other: "Look, that guy sitting behind you has been giving you a bad look since you walked in this bar." So the guy turns around and takes it seriously and walks up to the guy who supposedly was giving him a bad look and pushes him and punches his lights out. The guy who provoked the fight gets a good laugh out of it. Then there are aggressive trolls who are either narcissists or psychopaths who enjoy to add bait, argue without limitations and touch people's nerves. After the smoke clears, a narcissist will only boast even more and a psychopath is just plain crazy. If you put a narcissist vs a psychopath in a dispute, one will be flexing muscles and the other will further be enraged, both not knowing when to stop.
Linda Joy
Which one is this: "Where did you get your psychiatric degree, Jenny?" -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Don't worry about it. I know a bit of everything.
There is a legal side to it as you can be prosecuted for trolling, in some countries. A "negative" comment is just a disagreement with the view or opinion expressed.
In the UK, a person can be sentenced to jail time (up to six months, but rarely more than 3) for online electronic harassment, under Section 127 of the Communications Act 2003.
Some people here think they are one in the same. On a Q&A site like this one, some folks don't like comments to their answers. If they agree with the comment, they're cool. If they disagree, you're trolling.
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