Can you make a brooch or a pterodactyl?
bostjan the adequate 🥉
Not yet. I made a crane before, but I had the instructions right in front of me. -
on the Internet there are again instructions for this. I looked at one the other day, how to fold some money bills. That was for a gift for example.
I made slippers as a kid out of newspaper. I've also made cups from newspapers and used them for pots for starting seeds indoors for a garden. And a few other things with instructions in front of me. Someone used to come in Hardees when I was working there and turn the comment cards into things. (T-rex, pterodactyl, dog, etc.) I collected them for a while and showed them to my grandson.
No. But I know Harambe.
nope,its so hard even with instructions lol
I know what it is.
Yes one lol. A rose
I can make a paper plane.
I use to run a shop making origami objects, sadly it folded.
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