I think it's none of the government's business who he feeds.
Linda Joy
What about food safety issues? Companies that sell food have to be inspected. -
bostjan the adequate 🥉
It has nothing to do with food safety. It's illegal in Tampa Florida (as well as some other cities) for a church to distribute tracts or food to the general public under city ordinance 16.43c. The law is supposed to only apply to public areas, but, in Mr. Abbot's case, it evidently applied to church property as well. Abbot has since passed away, so I suppose the city ultimately won. -
Archie Bunker
What about the idea that feeding them only encourages them to stay in Ft Lauderdale? -
bostjan the adequate 🥉
Well, there are different levels of homeless. Some live in their cars, others live in tents, others still live in boxes or makeshift shanties. At any rate, none of them are really in that much of a position to choose where they live. Sure, they can hop a freight train to somewhere else, but it's not like they are purposefully winding up in Ft. Lauderdale to pick up some free food unless they are already nearby. But, regardless of all of that stuff, the government needs to either get involved in solving the problem or not. If they are going to get involved, then making it illegal to feed them is not part of the solution. Most of those people need some sort of care that their communities and families are not offering them. If the government insists on solving the problem, they need to either give these people the care they need or else round them all up and ship them off somewhere else (which would be stupid and cruel, especially since many of the homeless people sacrificed so much for the country). But, personally, I don't think the government should have to be involved. The homelessness problem is something that gets solved by community involvement. Laws like these mentioned here place the government in a position to interfere with community action, when the government itself does nothing (nor should it), leaving no one able to take any action to address the problem. An untreated problem will just get worse.
There was a man here who had to stop giving out hot dogs, too. I think it has to do with the health department and food inspections, safety issues. Its also illegal for them to panhandle here. But we have food stamps, food pantries, soup kitchens and such where people can eat for free LEGALLY and safety inspected. I don't know how strictly these laws are enforced. I still see people begging. And I've shared food with strangers, but don't usually give money. I also tell them where they can eat for free and where some homeless shelters are. Here we have CAPS and they have the hand to hand booklet that is a great resource for people who need help. Not just with food clothing and shelter but other services as well. *** I think its better to give that information than the food itself. Like the give a man a fish he'll eat for a day, teach a man to fish he'll eat for a lifetime analogy.
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