How do you know what they do and don't understand? You're making an assumption on someone's understanding of the world based soley on the size of their paycheck. How would your logic change for a person who's been on welfare all their lives who suddenly hit the lottery and became rich? Would they not understand the poor now because they are rich? How about Oprah Winfrey? She grew up without running water and is now worth over $3Billion? How about Larry Ellison? Grew up in Manhattan and the south side of Chicago in government housing and is now worth over $61Billion. How about instead of blaming rich people for the world's poor, you instead show the poor that they can find a way out, just like others have done.
The rich don't always have smooth lives. They have to wonder if anyone likes them for themselves or if they all just want their money! Besides that they have poor people constantly begging them for money! They are already paying something like 35% of their income in taxes for programs to help the poor! Besides that they are usually the ones setting up scholarships and grants. And I know from personal experience that if you loan poor people money 3 out of 4 of them will not improve their financial situation, they will come back the next month to borrow again! You are just enabling them to stay poor.
Archie Bunker
Another one of Axe's questions where he makes an outrageous claim and cannot back it up. -
Linda Joy
"The top 1 percent paid a greater share of individual income taxes (37.3 percent) than the bottom 90 percent combined (30.5 percent). The top 1 percent of taxpayers paid a 26.9 percent individual income tax rate, which is more than seven times higher than taxpayers in the bottom 50 percent (3.7 percent).Nov 13, 2018"
Since they (hopefully) have enough money, they could start non-profit tree-growing and planting companies. A lot of trees could be started on very little land. I'm talking about leasing land between cities that is safe from the construction of another business. A lot of people could be employed to plant small trees (in a short amout of time) in a lot of yards. I'm thinking big here, so if one rich guy reads it, and sees the big picture (Sorry, rich guy. That's a skyscraper top-floor office pun), he will see that many people like him (in many cities) could get in on the ground floor (see what I did there?) of an opportunity to start reducing the amout of carbon in the atmosphere. Trees are "carbon-capturing machines". They take in CO2 and release oxygen. Growing trees to cut down for lumber/profit is one thing. Growing trees to grow is another.
Archie Bunker
Why don't you start a non-profit and hire people to plant trees? -
Linda Joy
You'd probably end up with more trees if you just put them to work cutting fire breaks so there will be less forest fires. -
Excellent idea. And insurance companies could fund the non-profit and save billions in claims. -
Answer to "Why don't you...? " You must have misunderstood. It wasn't about me growing trees. It was about the biggest big deal big-businessmen investing in society and air quality. -
Btw, that answer was supposed to be funny. Just like I know your question was. I had different answers, like- Haha or Well, you don't understand business. There are thinkers and there are doers. or I can't. I have to rake leaves.
No one had asked, but since you did... The ten richest men in the world could give 10% of their money to the 10 poorest countries. They wouldn't miss 10%, but those billions would mean a lot to the people who need it most.
Linda Joy
They already have, in America, in the form of income tax that was then distributed by our government: "The top 1 percent paid a greater share of individual income taxes (37.3 percent) than the bottom 90 percent combined (30.5 percent). The top 1 percent of taxpayers paid a 26.9 percent individual income tax rate, which is more than seven times higher than taxpayers in the bottom 50 percent (3.7 percent).Nov 13, 2018"
They don't want to help the poor do they? If any of the rich cared they would have fixed the world long ago. For the amount of ,money spent on the Iraq war world poverty could of been solved twice over. But scumbag Americans that own and run companys like Halliburton prefer to control the world and keep the people at war forever. There is a rich class that own us all.
Money is only a byproduct of all the qualities rich people have. In a mentality of "more money, more wants," the poor are not remembered. Rich people never have enough money, leading them to suffer from mental health problems.
Being rich seams to be as bad as a heroin addiction most rich people will do anything reguadless of weather its morally right of not to get more money. Example they pay minimum wages and lie on their tax returns to save money. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
The desire to become rich or be rich is seen by psychologists as a form of mental illness. Despite being told that being rich should make people happy, it in fact does the opposite. It is like a drug as you say to be addicted to money.
You're confused. The rich and elite have terrible lives and though they may not have poverty - they have no easy living either and fear people more than people fear them.
they can do whatever they like. They chose to be greedy . Its their own doing. -
Linda Joy
(eye roll!) I suppose if you were offered to do the same job for $100. or $10 you'd choose to do it for $10 because that's all you need? And HOW MANY TIMES HAVE YOU PAID EXTRA ON YOUR TAXES TO HELP THE POOR? You can help all the poor you want! I just don't think the government should rob the WORKING taxpayers to fund those who will never have enough no matter how much you give them. They need to be taught how to say no to things they WANT that they don't NEED FOR THEIR SURVIVAL! Phones and cable are not necessary for life.
they have no intentions of helping they own us and do everything in their power to keep us slaves. Open your eyes or are you as stupid as grandpa that idiot installed the current system giveing away every right we the people had.?Look at how entitled old people think they are when it comes to health services.
Linda Joy
If you believe that you are giving WAY too much of YOUR power away to those you seem to hate. Even though they most likely are paying far more for the poor than you are! By the way Health Care is necessary for survival. Phones, IPOD's, concert tickets and laptops ARE NOT! And children become adults when they fully fund themselves!
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