Wanna buy me one? Hmmmmm?? 😎
Linda Joy
I'd love to! I'd love to buy one for everyone who wants one, but I can't. Maybe after I get mine paid for. I'll have to save up before I can get mine! -
Rick Myres
Lol I have to save up for everything. -
Linda Joy
Well, its difficult on SSDI because if you save up more than $2000 they will stop your disability! The only program they have for saving up to buy a vehicle has to be done with money you get from a job, and cannot come from disability money. So about the only way I can save money is to pay bills ahead, or to save cash, and technically the same is true for cash. But I've always been good at saving, even as a kid. -
Rick Myres
And some don't think anybody is watching our banking accounts but they do. BIG time. A lot of times I wished for checks instead of their preference (I had no choice) of automatic deposit.
I'm a little nervous about the first photo (the seat is very poorly photoshopped into the picture), but the specifications seem decent.
Linda Joy
I'm pretty sure they won't photoshop the actual scooter, so that doesn't concern me. If I remember right, its a couple hundred cheaper without the seat, but I need one. The whole reason I need the scooter is because my arthritic ankles (both have been broken in the past) won't carry me up and down the mountain on which I live anymore. They got worse once I started trying to walk it. But I'm having trouble finding an electric one with enough power to carry me and a passenger up the mountain! Even healthy people have trouble coming up here from the bus stop. -
bostjan the adequate 🥉
Oh, sorry to hear about that. I live on the side of a mountain myself. I park my car about 40 feet below my house. Groceries and trash are real problems for me in the winter. As for the scooter, I don't know if it has enough power to get two people up and down a mountain. From the specifications, it should be fine for one person, though. -
Linda Joy
Do you have a wagon? I use my walker to take trash to the dumpster. (it has a seat) But an umbrella stroller might work and it will take up less space. -
bostjan the adequate 🥉
Yeah, I have a wagon, but the hill is too steep to control it going up and down, so the wagon stays at the bottom of the hill.
I like it better than this one...
Linda Joy
Hahaha! Me too!
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