No. It's the smart move. Now the ball is in Iran and the democrats hands. Iran isn't going to do anything and neither are the democrats. Now, anything that happens is "their fault." That's how politics works.
Linda Joy
Good point, but no matter what happens they will still find a way to blame Trump -
Archie Bunker
They always do. It's just like my older brother used to tell me when we were kids. "I'm not saying you did it, I'm just saying I'm going to blame you for it." -
Linda Joy
My sister and I were the opposite. Neither of us would tell because the other knew something on the other to tell as well. So we knew if either of us told we'd just both get in trouble! -
Archie Bunker
I was the youngest, so.... you know it all rolls downhill.
Actually he backed off the illegals first. And this is what all politicians do. Trump is just finally learning how to be a politician. The only President that didn't break any campaign promises was Ford! 😒
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