cant rernernber exactly
Walked or marched? No telling! Was your 36 miles all in one day? My first walkathon was 18 miles. I don't remember how far the others were, but probably not much farther. I walked up and down rows of corn all day when I worked in the fields, and there was a time I delivered pizza all day 11-8:30pm and waited tables at Waffle house all night 9pm-7am. So much walking I almost crippled myself. I could barely put my feet on the floor in the morning they hurt so bad! When I got sick and had to give the Dr. all my money I quit doing that!
bostjan the adequate 🥉
One trip. It took me quite a few hours, but yes, in one day. If I counted all of the walking I did that day before setting out, plus the walking I did after I got back home, I'm sure it would have topped 40 miles, but I'm just talking about one particular walking trip. I used to work around the clock like that, too - it's really bad for your health. At least in my case, I was doing construction all day (typically 11 hour shifts) and lecturing at community college at night (2-4 hours). I had a third job just on Saturday mornings. A typical week was 85-90 hours, but I had a few go over 110 hours. I had no time to take care of myself, and after several months, I looked like a zombie. -
Linda Joy
My co-worker at Pizza Hut would call me when she opened the store to make sure I was awake because I was afraid I'd sleep through my alarm. I think working jobs back to back like that is one reason my body wore out so soon being diagnosed with arthritis in my back at 39. But it sure makes the time pass quickly!
Once, I walked all over Houston all day seeking employment. According to a city map, I covered about 55 miles. When I found employment, I had to walk 12 miles to it every morning and walk 12 more miles back home in the evening. I had run out of money and had no bus fare.
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