I've been driving for almost 40 years now. About 3 months ago, I went in to renew my driver's license and BMV refused to do it. Why? The Social security administration had my date of birth as 1870. Obviously, I'm not 149 years old. Not only was it an obvious mistake, but my birth certificate wasn't good enough. Nor was my expiring driver's license. Or my CCW permit. Or my DD214. They really had no idea what I needed to do to get that 8 changed to a 9. Apparently after all my time in the Marine Corps, my background on my security clearance, the ATF background I just went through for my FFL, my federal pension, my state pension. Apparently they all had it wrong. The Social Security administration was right, and everyone else was wrong. The one thing they did want was a signed, notarized letter from my parents stating my date of birth. Well, mom and dad are dead, so that's not happening. Well, we need their death certificates. Why? To prove that they can't give us a signed letter. Ok, so then what? We'll let you know. 3 months this took before the local supervisor said, "F*ck it, I'll just change it." Done. Government work at its finest here. And they want to manage everyone's healthcare?
How about a commercial insurance carrier that denied payment for a medical procedure which required an additional medical report, but paid for the report? Can't pin everything on a disinterested or incompetent official; it happens in many settings. -
Archie Bunker
At least in private companies there is accountability. There is none in government. -
Archie Bunker
I'm not tracking your question, Dandy. -
Linda Joy
I needed that laugh! I learned just the other day they still had me married to my son's father, and we were divorced last CENTURY! -
Archie Bunker
Not surprising in the least, Linda.
i dont care who runs it as long as i get it
Archie Bunker
Irregardless of who's paying for it? Where is your responsibility to the person who's paying for your healthcare?
It is amazing that people who think we cannot afford to pay for doctors, hospitals, and medication somehow think that we can afford to pay for doctors, hospitals, medication and a government bureaucracy to administer it. Thomas Sowell
The VA has taken good care of me! I'd be dead without them. Social Security is kinda scarry though!
Archie Bunker
The doctors at the VA are, usually, very good (although many want to just medicate you and send you on your way). It's the bureaucracy behind them that lets veterans die in the waiting room. -
Linda Joy
I've never seen a veteran die in the waiting room. I have been overmedicated at a time when I didn't have the option of refusing to take it or I'd have been kicked out of the homeless shelter. When I told them I was overmedicated they gave me more medication! A lot of our doctors come from UAB hospital, and they confer with other doctors. My medical team also confers with each other. There is no way I could afford the treatments I've received!
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