They don't. Some start with W (mostly in the USA, east of the Mississippi river), some start with C (in Canada, eh), some start with Z (Brazil), etc., etc.
The FCC assigns radio and television call signs and countries such as Canada and Mexico follow suit to avoid confusion. The general rule is divided by the Mississippi, "W" to the east, "K" to the west, but some stations close to the river plus a few very old calls are exceptions.
K, thanks! But that does not answer why K , or W or whatever ,,
bostjan the adequate 🥉
Do you really want to know? The story is boring and not at all satisfying. Your life will probably be better not knowing. -
Cry me a River
not sure, never heard of that
They don't. But here's why: In 1912, several countries attended a conference to discuss international radiotelegraphs. One of the things that came out of that meeting was the assignment of specific letters to identify each country's radio and television signals. The United States was given the letters W, K, N, and A."
Cry me a River
Thanks -
bostjan the adequate 🥉
In 1912, radio transmissions, then known as "wireless transmissions," were generally in Morse code and had few (but very important) applications: military communication, nautical communication, and amateur radio hobbyists/researchers. For the military - at the time there was an army (thus the "A" prefix) and a navy (thus the "N" prefix"), and then there were commercial ships and academics ("W" and "K", but assignment was arbitrary). The Marines were (and technically still are) ultimately a branch of the Navy. The Air Force didn't exist at that time. -
Cry me a River
Cool.. thanx
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