i think its good he stopped the shooter
Archie Bunker
You didn't answer my question. Pretty much everyone agrees that he did a good thing.
Was he ever in the military? Apparently he was an ROTC cadet. No, I think he is a hero, but he never served and I don't think he is entitled to military honors. No disrespect intended. Just the opposite, in fact. Those buried with military honors should know what its like to actually serve.
Archie Bunker
I agree 100%, Linda. Reports I read said that he was a first semester ROTC cadet, meaning he was taking ROTC as a college elective class, like astronomy or a gym class. I commend the guy for doing what he was doing and for even signing up for ROTC, but, the same as you, he wasn't a member of the military and as such, doesn't rate the honors. -
Linda Joy
I know, I was in JROTC in high school because I transferred in and they couldn't find a gym class for me. Its an introduction, but nothing like the real thing. This is kinda like a participation trophy. It cheapens the whole deal.
In Matthew 22:21, Jesus says to pay back Caesar’s things to Caesar. So the government, or Caesar, determines what is there’s and what is not. For instance, taxes, we may not agree with the percentage that is withheld/paid; yet, we are obligated to pay whatever is demanded by our government. The military has determined that the actions of this student have earned him the right to a military burial. I have a sister that served, faithfully, for many years. However, she was dishonorably discharged... her misconduct disqualifies her from a military burial. The UNC student’s conduct, according the military, qualified him for a military burial.
Archie Bunker
His ROTC commander stated that "he wasn't among those pursuing a career as a military officer." He was taking a college elective. According to Army ROTC manual, he was NOT a member of the Army, being that he was in his first semester of ROTC. Despite what he did, he wasn't eligible. I have yet to be able to find out who authorized it. -
Your point is valid. However, The government has the right to ?commandeer?, claim or state sovereignty over whatever they want. They have chosen to stake their claim to the actions of this young man who gave his life for others. Maybe it is a way to encourage others to do the same. Maybe they know something about him that has not been released to the public. Who knows what they?re reasoning is? -
Linda Joy
No, the government doesn't have the right to do as they please, and its our job as citizens to hold their feet to the fire and make them answer for their actions! And encouraging others to do the same without proper training is dangerous! However these students are adults and able to make their own choices. Its not like they are high schoolers who are compelled to be there.
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