I remember a fire and chickens running to their mother for cover. It was like waking up at that moment. I don,t remember what happened after that.
I remember one time that my mom and grandma brought me and my siblings to a praise and worship night and I just played my doll all the time we spent there. Maybe I was just 4 or 5 that time.
Under two years old, I picture a scene in the foyer with an alcove and chair outside the kitchen.
I was about 3 and walking around the side of the house by Mom's rose bush. I was furious with her for taking my bottle away at night. How could she do such a thing? All I remember is my first experience with anger and disappointment in someone I loved:(
Being molested as a toddler.
Sorry to hear that, Linda. :( -
Cry me a River
:( -
Terrible. I'm so sorry. -
Linda Joy
Thank you, It was a long time ago and as a result I've been able to help others.
License plates that decorated the outside rear of my grandpa's cabin, along with a Hire's Root Beer thermometer. I still have the thermometer. :)
Cry me a River
Oh cool Wakko!
seeing rny brother in a baby basket when i was 3
Being low in a car seat and only able to see the tops of trees from the window.
My parents bringing my younger sister home from the hospital after her birth. I was 2 years and 4 months old.
I've forgotten...
Being beat the hell out of by siblings. Best left in the past.
My Grandad's car (1960 Rover 3 Litre) & going in it to take the family dog for a walk, I used to sit on the fold down armrest in the front benchseat & he always had strong mints (Grandad's sweets) in the glove box.
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