• We are living in a digital world. In this age, where connections are made and transactions are done online, it becomes imperative for a business to have its own website to capture a whole lot of opportunities awaiting them. Big or small, having an online presence is a vital factor in the growth of any business in times like these. A website serves as an online identity of a business. It can also serve as a self-marketing tool to help grow your market base. The business can be advertised by the company & online presence on social networking sites, through online forums or through PPC(Pay Per Click) advertising programs. Billboards and other tangible forms of advertising have a limited reach. But having a website ensures that a business has a wide outreach. People sitting in any place of the world can know about what a particular or organization is all about and what it has to offer. Increasing visibility is one of the reasons why having a website is so important. Since most of the services can be availed online, people now want to check about the company online first before stepping out of the comforts of their home. It helps them to contact the business, can provide the directions of the shop or office and other necessary details. A business having a proper website is considered to be more authentic and better than the ones who don
  • What's most important is giving members an ear concerning improvement, if fiscally possible. I suggest integrating the posting of pics & videos, messaging other members, actually being able to contact admin (knowing who admin is would be REAL nice), maybe a chatroom for those who do that, being able to customize profiles, etc.. AB could snatch a lot of members back by allowing such.

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