The category for this question should be something like: Electronic communication (if there is such a one)
Machete don't text
no i never texted.
I don't do it. If someone can't call me then I don't want to hear from them.
Busted! It depends on whom I'm texting. Some people are bothered by it while others wouldn't even know if it were spelled improperly. Just like I simplify my words when I talk to people who might not understand my normal verbiage. And sometimes I just use initials like np, ty, yw when they know what I'm saying.
Yes, writing emails or texts in a skillful way is a matter of how much you know. It is a relevant idea delivered clearly and directly.
This pam voice test always seems to screw tings up.
Archie Bunker
Ham it -
Archie Bunker
Sea what eye meme??
No, because I use voice when I text. Some of things it comes up with is too hilarious to correct, so I just send it to my daughter that way. She can generally de-code the mess. I don't like texting, so I am thankful for the messy voice thingy.
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