Dinosaurs hatched from dinosaur eggs, which means that the egg really did come before the chicken. I don't think any supernatural entities were involved. If anyone believes Satan created fossils to confuse everyone, I think you are putting to much thought into confirming your biases...
Cry me a River
I would bet my bottom that it is a ploy of the devil,s people to disinherit God.. obviously you don,t need that to disown Him. -
Cry me a River
And they are not fossils, they are fabricated bones.. anyone gullible can believe they are dinosaurs bones, but unless God had a reason, He didn,t make them. -
Cry me a River
The reason I know God did not make them is because they would not glorify Him.. not to say He never will, He just may,, some day. -
bostjan the adequate 🥉
1. What evidence do you have that dinosaurs would not glorify God? Does the elephant not glorify God in your mind? What about the blue whale? If you answered no, then yes and yes, then why? 2. I think maybe you do not know what is defined by the word "fossil." 3. How plausible is the idea that an extradimensional being named "Satan," whose name we only know by osmosis, came to the planet Earth and thought "You know what would really be advantageous to my master plan? - Dinosaur fossils everywhere Mwahahahaha!" It's a rhetorical question, obviously. It would be far too much effort for any being to put into an insignificant siderail. People who believe in God 100% still believe in him in spite of dinosaur fossils, and those who do not believe in God don't reach that conclusion because of the existence of such. - But I'm open to having you change my mind using any evidence or rational thought that you think may be effective. -
bostjan the adequate 🥉
Genesis 1:30 doesn't say anything about animals eating meat, it says that plants only exist to be eaten. It doesn't follow logically, from anything said in the Bible, that animals only became carnivores after the first sin of man. Furthermore, there is no mention in Biblical law that eating meat, in general, is unacceptable to God. Jesus himself ate fish, which is not plant material, yet he is explained to be free from sin. Further furthermore, there were plenty of carnivores in the fossil record before dinosaurs existed. I just don't follow anything you are saying, even based on your own scriptures. Dinosaurs never coexisted with mankind, that's just a simple fact, but even if we wrongly assume that they did, there in no mention in the flood narrative that dinosaurs existed at the time, because, if they had existed, God commanded Noah to take two of *all* living creatures (Gen 6:19), and, according to the Bible, Noah obeyed this commandment (Gen 6:22). If dinosaurs existed at that time, and Noah did not take them on the ark, then he disobeyed God, which the Bible states that he obeyed, so we would have a problem. -
bostjan the adequate 🥉
Quote, Jenny_Rizzo: "Everything was vegetarian in the Garden of Eden. (Genesis 1:30)" Is English your native language? If so, you must know that "plants only exist to be eaten" is not at all the same as "only plants are to be eaten." Or that "beasts" does not mean "every species of animal that ever existed." If not, I apologize for the fact that the English language can be very confusing. Either way, though, the things you are saying the Bible says are very different from the meaning of the actual words that are written there. If you read the rest of the verses around them, the context really helps. -
bostjan the adequate 🥉
But Genesis 1:30 doesn't say anything about not eating meat, once again. Another point: Neither Christians nor Jews are largely vegetarian, so neither major religion supports your assertion. Are you vegetarian? I am. -
bostjan the adequate 🥉
If I gave you a lasagna, and said "Behold, a lasagna; it is yours for food," would that mean I expect you to eat nothing but lasagna?! If you believe that is true, maybe you should try a vegetarian diet, in order to be more pleasing to God. :)
The Bible is clear, sea creatures were created by God on Day 5 and land creatures were created by God on Day 6. These creatures included dinosaurs, which co-existed with man until they died off for various reasons, including most dramatically in the worldwide flood of Noah.
There are many sea creatures we call dinosaurs which are only found in fossil records. Where is it written that any sea creatures were killed in the Flood? -
bostjan the adequate 🥉
"Most of them claim that a reptile's scales changed into feathers. But no fossil showing a transition from scale to feather has ever been found." Are you sure? You seem to know a lot about fossils... ...oh wait: ... oops. -
bostjan the adequate 🥉
You should open the link and read the article. It's very interesting. At least look at the photos of protofeathers encased in amber. -
bostjan the adequate 🥉
Quote Jenny Rizzo: "But no fossil showing a transition from scale to feather has ever been found." Also Jenny Rizzo: "bostjan64, I did [open the link], but impressions are not based on facts. Feathers today are only found on birds." If this wasn't good enough to accept, then why bother stating that it's (as you believed) nonexistance proved any sort of point? -
bostjan the adequate 🥉
No worries. I'm just confused by the path this took. :) -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Hello ya, I see my comments have disappeared. What a way to flag my comments for no reason, now that ya can't hold a debate with me. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
mushroom, when God revealed His plan to destroy the world with a flood, He told Noah He will blot out man whom He has created from the face of the land: man and animals and creeping things and birds of the heavens, as He was sorry for making them. (Genesis 6:7). Interestingly, fish and sea creatures are not mentioned based on, several passages in the flood section of Genesis help shed some light on the question of whether or not fish were killed in the flood. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
bostjan64, your link is a hoax. You actually have more faith than I do, since when was the last time you saw a bird turn into a dinosaur????????????????????? NEVER! The fossil record does not reveal an evolutionary progression in feather development nor does it reveal transitional animals that are part bird and part dinosaur. No scientific observations have ever shown a way that dinosaurs could acquire the genetic information to make the dramatic changes that would have been necessary to evolve into birds.
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