After a meal with beans I toot a mean horn. :P
We'll get you "Beano" for your birthday : )
no, ive never played one
Yes, poorly. I've played the guitar, organ, piano, keyboard, bells, xylophone, drums, triangle, flute, flutophone, harmonica, finger cymbals, a slide whistle, maracas, tambourine, spoons, skin flute and I've even played a few people in my past! lol That's all I can think of off the top of my head. What about you?
Cry me a River
Yes a few songs and a few instrumental pieces. A little piano, a little drums, voice and experimentation with almost any instrument.
Tried to learn how to play the guitar but my short fingers made it difficult or do the various cords. Gave that up. I do play the Jewsharp. I also play the army bugle and was head bugler at a military school. my lip is a little rusty but I can still play all the bugle calls. Then I also play the shophar I played it for a church I attended.
Cry me a River
Cool, thanks for all your input.
Cool, thanks for your input
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