For the most part, I would stop/ undo plucking, shaving,, waxing etc
Linda Joy
So just don't do it. Others should still have the choice if they want to. Did you know the whole shaving for women was started by a Gillette advertising campaign in the early 1900's when fashion first started showing legs and armpits? I'll get a link. But you don't have to do everything the tv or society tells you. Live life on your terms! -
Cry me a River
I'd be more likely to undo something like the Holocaust or WWII, the bombing of the world trade center or slavery and the black plague. But I learned from watching Frequency that changing something horrible can lead to something worse. And in the aftermath of the WTC bombing we came together as a country in prayer and unity like I'd never seen before in my lifetime. We have learned a lot from our mistakes and if we hadn't committed them, maybe we wouldn't see them as horrendous and make adjustments. So really the only thing I would change is that we learn more from our mistakes and quit making the same ones.
i dont think id be good at trying to change thenn
Cry me a River
I do not mean trying to change them from what they are, but more as to how I wish mankind wanted to be..
The terrible things of the world are not to be considered as mishaps, but ignorance, a mishap is a result of decisions. And for the most part mankind as a whole affects mankind as a whole, if that makes sense.
Linda Joy
No its not! Ignorance is not knowing what a mishap is! A mishap is an unfortunate accident not an intentional decision. What dictionary are you using? -
Cry me a River
Accidents rarely occur without some misguided decision.
If I could change 1 thing about the past it would be the introduction of imperfection into humankind. (Romans 5:12).
Cry me a River
I'd go back in time and kill DJ Kool Herc. Founder of rap music. I hate that shit.
Archie Bunker
Maybe Dan Folgerberg, too. -
Much as I agree that melody and harmony were considered great advances in music, did Folgelberg lead a new genre? -
Archie Bunker
No. I just don't like him.
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