Depends on the vehicle
Depends on the company
when you fly 12 hrs, thats too long and ive done it
The destination would make or break it
The journey is not all it’s whacked up to be.
over 90 minutes
Three hours total commute time for each work day. I took the train to my workplace, which is 90 minutes one way in travel time from the time that I leave my home and the time that I arrive at my workplace. My workplace was in the same city where I lived, but my employer moved the workplace to a city that is about 35 miles from my home. I did this long commute for 11 years.
LA>NYC in a mask. lol
Army Veteran
I don't know. I know that an hour is not unbearable. In fact, because I like driving, I expect that it would have to about 3 hours or more before it became unbearable (because then it would cut into my personal time so much that I would be unable to do important and necessary chores, etc.).
It depends. People used to sail on crowded ships across the ocean dealing with diseased shipmates, heavy labour, poor nutrition and even poorer sanitation. These days I hear people complain about riding 12 miles on an air conditioned bus, because the wifi is too slow...
over an hour.
Depends on the time of year. When it's nice, I love to drive - and explore backroads. In the winter with the roads crappy, walking out to the mailbox is an unbearable commute. Einstein used a similar example to explain his theory of relativity.
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