Clearly that would ensure the child received no support what so ever which would be counter productive. That reminds me of the difference of someone owing you $200. vs someone owing you $2,000,000. For the person who owes you $200, and they don't repay you, you (in theory) might break his or her arm. For someone owing you $2,000,000 you might volunteer to be their bodyguard to keep them as healthy and productive as possible.
I think a woman should take responsibility for keeping the child if the man doesn't want it due to unwanted pregnancy. She should also suffer for sleeping with me.
Archie Bunker
She can kill the baby without his consent, right? If he says he doesn't want it and she keeps it, isn't it her responsibility now? You can't have it both ways. -
Good luck trying to convince people of that, though. I've tried and that's my position on the subject. She wants it and I don't, that's her choice and she should bear the responsibility. Plenty of women out there abuse this fact and trap men in relationships that'd never happen without a child in the picture. -
Linda Joy
I'm sure anyone who has slept with you has suffered greatly! And I hope you always, ALWAYS use a condom! And if not I hope you pay for each and every one of your little fishy fish! -
Linda Joy
Archie, What do you mean you can't have it both ways? If you murder a pregnant woman you are guilty of two murders, but a woman can have an abortion? There are inconsistencies everywhere these days!
You mean "Be rich" as that is what rich people like us, more or less do. It's why you see so few rich people going to jail or even facing prosecution.
Linda Joy
No, that's not what I mean. And rich people go to prison all the time.
Here it's not an option, you either pay or go to prison where the amount owed keeps piling up making it even more impossible to get caught up upon release. But, if you're going to marry and jump in the sack you need to be responsible for any outcome instead of putting it off on everyone else to pay for your irresponsibility.
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