One of my best friends thinks George Carlin was the greatest comic ever. I personally couldn't stand his brand of humor.
That 's OK, Iron, but who did or do you like is the question. -
Iron Mask
I loosely patterned my style of humor from Steven Wright.----I came home the other day to discover everything in my house had been stolen.......and replaced with an exact replica. -
hahah I remember him. Is he still around? -
Linda Joy
I like the one where he said There's a fine line between fishing and just standing on the shore like an idiot. And its a small world, but I wouldn't want to have to paint it! And if at first you don't succeed then skydiving is definitely NOT for you! -
Linda Joy
Yep, still around. Carlin died over 10 years ago. -
Iron Mask
That's my type of humor! I think he's still around. -
He might be. I haven't seen him in ages, but he used to be quite active back in the day. -
Iron Mask
Linda is good at researching. If she says he's still active then he must be performing somewhere. -
According his his website, he will be performing in Durham, NC on the 10th. -
Iron Mask
Not too terribly far to travel. Tempting... he is one of my favorites...
i like any of thenn
I think you are misunderstanding the question. WHO is your favorite comedian.
I love George Carlin. Like when he said Mick Jagger looked like a rooster on acid! And Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that. But I think my very favorite was Robin Williams.
Iron Mask
I liked Robin Williams family friendly routines but became disappointed with his more adult performances. -
Linda Joy
I liked his accents, quick wit and intelligence! I was disappointed when Eddie Murphy went raunchy, and kinda always thought Richard Pryor was. But still very funny. I know Robin Williams did two sketches one asking is this what it looks like when a man goes down on a woman and one called the death of a sperm where he actually did ballet I thought were funny but I wouldn't repost them because of the lewdness of it. It may be wrong, but I find a lot of stuff funny I'd never repost.
Really enjoyed Gilda Radner, sad she died too soon:( Loved George too!
I loved her. I remember when she died and how sad that was. Gone too soon. -
Linda Joy
I read her memoir "Its Always Something". She had a hard life, and I think her misdiagnosis cost her her life. I'm so thankful we know more today and diagnostic tools are better, so that doesn't have to happen anymore. My mother was misdiagnosed with pneumonia when her cancer came back in her lungs. I loved Gilda on the old SNL! Roseanne Rosanna Danna!
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