Will I go to prison for damaging ukuleles
This may sound absolutely ridiculous but I am genuinely scared..
About 3 weeks ago I got in contact with a friend I haven't spoken to or seen in quite a while, maybe 4 years, I was at the pub and he was at home. I asked him to come to the pub and he said he didn't want to and invited me over to his house instead, I thought why not, I hadn't seen him in ages and I was going through a rough time (lost my baby at 17 weeks gestation, had to give birth to him, funeral was coming up) so it would've been nice to see a friend. So I went to his house, I was relatively drunk at this point and we were having a nice time, baring in mind this is a guy I used to sleep with and he kind of left things a bad way by telling me he loved me and stuff and then continued to get back with his ex, his ex whom he had recently broken up with the day I went to his his. So anyway, we ended up getting intimate, probably worst idea in the world but it happened anyway, but straight after, he was acting very weird with me and it made me uncomfortable, he got up and left his room and went to the kitchen and was speaking on the phone to someone and this is where I got upset. I assumed it was his ex girlfriend and it made me feel disgusting, so I confronted him about it and he was angry and things got heated and he said some horrible things like "I should've aborted my son" and was just being so mean, so I lost my temper and got his 2 ukuleles and smashed them on the floor, breaking them, I know I shouldn't h...