Fed my neighbors cat last weekend so she could go to a wedding Do acts of kindness preformed on myself count? ;-) haha I left the cream and sugar out of my coffee this morning (I'm still debating if that was an act of kindness or torture! )
Beaker Five-O
Do you think the cat appreciated your kindness ? And is that where your cream went, too ?! -
Linda Joy
I'm not sure the cat much cared. But my neighbor did. Cats are lactose intolerant. Feeding them cream will upset their digestive systems and give them diarrhea. I'm attempting to be off dairy and sugar (among other things) for 30 days in hope of discovering my food sensitivities.
when i visit with neighbors
First thing I do on the internet every morn is click on a free charity click.
This morning I helped a lady at the store. She was pushing a cart and dragging a box of 3 large pillows behind her and was obviously frustrated at the awkwardness. I helped her put the box on top of the cart.
I almost did that once, narrowly escaped after a thorough search for a feck to give.
i thanked nny neighbor for giving nne the nunnber of this place where i ended up getting disability cause of it, gave her sonne cookies in a gift bag
Every single day. I keep it to myself and try not to tell another person because we should always act from kindness towards our fellow human beings.
I'm sure I do them every day without even considering them.
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