I wouldn't meet with him either
Archie Bunker
But you weren't invited, so who cares? -
He would never invite you, so be quiet.
they probably just dont like him
They are too dumb to know what they like.
Just doing as ordered by whatever group pays or plays them.
Archie Bunker
They're getting paid to play basketball. They should stick to basketball and stay out of the politics. The same with all the other over-paid athletes. -
They are copying Hollywood stars. Both imagine we cannot live without them and that their opinions influence us.
Because as a competitor you want to meet people better than you - not lower than you
They are lower than a duck's abdomen. -
Archie Bunker
Competitors only want to meet people better than they are and won't meet with people "lower"? How so?
Celebrities, both actors and athletes, have enormous egos, so they imagine we need them so much that they can say and do anything, and they imagine we will be influenced by them.
Archie Bunker
Agreed. That's why you don't see the NFL players protesting in the off season. They don't give a shit then. Only when the TV cameras are on and they can get their names mentioned on SportsZone.
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