Trust your gut. Men cheat and "best friends" will stab you in the back! It happens all the time. Jealousy is different. Jealousy is when you compare yourself to someone else and find yourself lacking. If that happens it's best to just focus on improving yourself in whatever areas you find lacking and even perhaps enlist the help of the one you esteem to have mastered the talent (or whatever you compared) to help you become better at it.
Linda Joy
As for the man, he will either choose to stay with you, or not. Be good to him. As for your friend, she will either choose to be a loyal friend or not. Be a loyal friend. Try to trust them, but don't ignore the obvious. Their choices are on them how you respond is on you. You have to trust that whatever happens is most likely what's best in the long run. If you can't trust these people you're better off learning that now rather than later and better luck to you the next time there are plenty of others out there and some can be trustworthy! Find one of them. -
Women cheat almost as much as men today. You are correct on jealousy as it is a lack of self confidence. -
Women cheat almost as much as men today. You are correct on jealousy as it is a lack of self confidence.
Some people are born like that!
It's an emotion that just happens, depends on how you handle the feeling of jealousy. You need to solve matters so that the feeling goes away. e.g stop happening what is making you feel jealous.
i think it is
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