To delete a question you asked, click the arrow in the top right-hand corner of your question page and select Delete. If any answers have been added to your question, you'll have to request its deletion
you might not be able to
It's like ransomware ... you have to pay me $50. Just kidding. : ) You should be able to erase your question, but it will probably leave a period or a mark of some kind, and it looks stupid. Just change your question into something else. If the edit feature isn't working properly, then wait a day and try it again.
You don't have to remove your questions. Just edit them. For example, the proper grammar you should have used in your question: "How can I remove [a] question?" You can leave your question as is; some might care, others might not. But, I prefer to ask well-composed questions. Which is why I don't hesitate to edit my questions if I feel something is missing. If the feature isn't working, try it later or the next day.
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