I would not even know why I would; people have tendency to be nosy anyway.
Ice man
Or could be set up for a home invasion/robbery.
I dont think I would have a problem with it. So long as I trusted they were legit.
No, that's ridiculous. There might be a local by-law that requires a certain distance between buildings and proximity to property lines, but there is certainly no reason for surveyors to enter your house.
They are checking because I may claim damages if the construction next door breaks my property: They did not turn anyway today at 1 pm, ( thank goodness) -
Ice man
I see, and you couldn't include that little detail in your question because ......?
It doesn't really apply to me in my apartment. If I still had my home I wouldn't mind letting them in, but I don't see it as being necessary in any way so if I felt uncomfortable about it I wouldn't let them.
They are checking because I may claim damages if the construction next door breaks my property: They did not turn anyway today at 1 pm, ( thank goodness) -
Linda Joy
That makes sense. Did they take photos? If not you probably should. Before and after! Just in case!
i might if they needed to
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