once a week with an electric shaver. it grows too fast plus I have scar that makes shaving every day with a razor tough.
Legs every 3 days at minimum and underarms 1x a week
Usually every time I shower.
Petia Batzakidou
If i shaved everyday i would spend 1 and half hours in shower ?
I don't have to.
Petia Batzakidou
Why dont u hv any hair 😯😯😯
i dont , mine seems to fall off anyways so i dont bother shaving
Petia Batzakidou
How does that happen -
not sure -
Philip Smith
I shave my face every 2 days, i hate having a beard as it gets very itchy
I shave my face every 2 days, i hate having a beard as it gets very itchy
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