If it was Kellyanne, then, yes. If it was you, then, no. Oh, go on, then ! You have a certain irresistible twinkle in your eye !
Ice man
Stop calling me Kellyanne ! -
Lilo Avli
Without my glasses, I have big trouble telling you both apart ! -
Ice man
I'm the "thicker" one, without the filed sharp teeth !!
Lol sure. I've shaved my head bald a couple times and my wife was not amused. I've got a receding hair line that's getting worse and a starting to get a bald spot starting. I imagine bald will be my only option fairly soon.
No, but I may cut it short if I have to have chemo and it thins
Jennifer Aniston thinks I'm sexy just the way I am.
I would not.
Does the phrase "someone's blowing smoke up your ass" mean anything to you? It definitely applies in this situation. Unless it's a medically related reason, I'm not doing it.
Ice man
Is it safe to assume your profile avatar photo is really you ? If so ... I understand your answer. As far as anybody doing anything to my ass ... yes, I'm not into that kind of action. Not my type of life style, but I try to be kind to those that do ... so long as they're not flaming.
To answer you question in reverse, I did, they did!
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