Money is not the root of all evil it is the LOVE of money that is the root of all evil. This means the person has made money a god in place of the Lord God of the universe. Not all churches ask for money. those churches make it a voluntary choice and never pass a collection plate.
Lilo Avli
Thank you for correcting me. More love and less money, equals a happier commune. -
I never heard of a church that did not demand much money. Religion is simply a con game, so why go through the motions for no payoff? -
I used to attend a church that never passed the plate for an offering. It had a box by the door going out of the sanctuary into the lobby. If you desired to give an offering it was between you and the Lord God. The church never had problems with no funds and has grown steadily.
Money is not the root of all evil. The love of it is. And my Church doesn't ask for money or pass a plate. They teach the blessings of tithing and people voluntarily do so discretely.
Lilo Avli
Sorry to post an inaccurate question. -
Rick Myres
Nobody is perfect. -
Linda Joy
Lol np.
The coveting of money. Some churches set a good example and others express the error of excess and misappropriation. so its how you make use of it that requires further investigation as to its harm or benefit overall.
Force of habit, consider it part of paid entertainment!
The correct quotation is...The LOVE of money...not money itself... Like the moment you are earning sufficient for your daily needs, then that should be enough...really the opposite of capitalism. Jehovah does not disapprove of wealth as long as you put HIM first... (1 Timothy 6:10) For the love of money is a root of all sorts of injurious things, and by reaching out for this love some have been led astray from the faith and have stabbed themselves all over with many pains. (Hebrews 13:5) Let your way of life be free of the love of money, while you are content with the present things. For he has said:
That's simply because money greases the wheels of all evil operations from: corrupt churches, terrorist groups and violent dictatorships.
Jets,homes and Cadillacs.
Evil con men run churches and tell lies to take money from people. They spend it on fancy clothing, cars, jewelry and even planes in extreme cases.
I think you mean the LOVE of money...
Because gas prices, and air fares keep creeping up.
Lilo Avli
Creeping up what ? -
Ice man
Your pant leg !
Its the LOVE of money that is the problem...not money itself...the chasing after more...once you have enough for daily living... Money is a protection...1 tim 6:10 1(1 Timothy 6:10) For the love of money is a root of all sorts of injurious things, and by reaching out for this love some have been led astray from the faith and have stabbed themselves all over with many pains. (Ecclesiastes 7:12) For wisdom is a protection just as money is a protection, but the advantage of knowledge is this: Wisdom preserves the life of its owner.
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