Good Communication skills, C Language are the basic IT skills to get a job
Need to learn fast!
You need to learn IT is an abbreviation for internet technology and should be capitalized to distinguish it from the word 'it'.
we are dough 68
It's good to see the grammar police are still around !! -
Abdul Aleem
Good Communication skills, C Language are the basic IT skills to get a jobmindsoft -
Must have a communication skills -
"Information Technology" Internet is just one method of transport.
Bicycle repair, lawn mowing, steer roping, and picking cotton.
wish i knew, i cant find one
Nothing you shouldn't already know if you've completed school. Way round Mac/Windows OS, how to use MS Word etc. The important thing is the soft skills.
Read, write, do standard math, communicate and how to follow orders.
Most important skill is "Learning & Communication", other professional skills depends on the job you are looking.
If you are find IT jobs need you IT Professional Skills.
If you find Accounting Jobs need Accounting skills.
You have to be able to type accurately and communicate.
Basic it skills are microsoft office, excel, word, powerpoint, c language, c++ language , html, css , javascript, etc...
To be able to talk and fill out an application.
Good communication skills, confidence, computer skills , master in your field or one language
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