Dawn Tide Valspar McDonald's Pepsi LG. Aint life good though.
You can't go wrong with a Lifesaver, that's for sure.
According to the US Patent and Trademark office, there are several dozen trademarks using LIFESAVER. Yours would need to be for a unique purpose that does not conflict with any of the others, or you could receive notice to stop using that name. -
If you read my answer in context, I did not say: "You can't go wrong with Lifesaver." I was referring to [a] Lifesaver candy to avoid answering this question. But for the sake of argument, using the name Lifesaver will be another "addition" to top the several dozen. You cannot get any notices if you are paying for a trademark, even if you pay for additional protection to be on the safe side. It is no big deal if the questioner who is in need of ideas is not interfering with others. You can register a trademark with the US Patent and Trademark Office, USPTO.
Here is another one: Lifesafer. lol
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