not that i know of
You can make raggedy Ann and Andy dolls! Or use them to stuff a pillow case or whatever else you have to fashion a pillow. They will make heat if you burn them. And I can probably make a hair bow or scrunchie out of any salvageable scraps. Many can be cut into strips and crocheted into rag rugs. I'd have to research any recycling into paper ideas and my pages are loading really slow right now and I got half a hundred notifications overnight to answer, but I hope I see this again one day and can add to my answer
Linda Joy
My mind wouldn't let it go! Check this out! At the end he shows lots of stuff he makes with it. He mentioned jewelry. I didn't see it but I'd like to. So cool! Thanks! -
Linda Joy
I want that pulverizer! -
What fun!
not that i know of
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