Boola Boo
The question also included "focused." hahaha -
Lilo Avli
Non-alcoholic Tequila, then. -
Ice man
Tequila works for me !! Great answer ! Pass the lemon, would ya. : ) -
Lilo Avli
No, get it yourself. You need the exercise.
probably music
ANSWER - A clean house 72% sleep better. And 72% said they're more productive.
I don't care what these silly surveys claim ... the answer is S-E-X !
Lilo Avli
Oh, so that explains why you are never relaxed and focused, then. -
Ice man
Au contraire mon ami. -
Lilo Avli
I'm sorry, I don't speak Gibberish. -
Ice man
Well then you better stay away from Liverpool. -
Lilo Avli
Of course. I don't want my car nicked by those Scouse tea leaves. -
Ice man
Are you "America bashing" again ? -
Lilo Avli
Hell, no !! I don't want them gun-toting, religious, over-weight, bad-at-spelling-the-Queen's-english, over-zealous bigots coming after ME. -
Ice man
Well I'm glad that's straightened out. -
Lilo Avli
Bit like my spine when they tie me head and feet to two opposite-travelling, gas-guzzling Chevvie Silverados. -
Ice man
Similar but different, yes. -
Lilo Avli
Like me and thee, then, my Canadian cousin. -
Ice man
Exactly.. -
Lilo Avli
Your small one leaves me little to go on. -
Ice man
ONE, is that better ? -
Lilo Avli
No need to shout. I have my glasses on. -
Ice man
I take it that you cleaned them then ? -
Lilo Avli
No, that chore is first thing in the morning. I mean second thing in the morning. -
Ice man
I don't want to know what the first thing is, do I ? -
Lilo Avli
I'm sure you have a tiny idea. Rhymes with orange. -
Ice man
You certainly made that clear as shit. -
Lilo Avli
You need go see your doctor again. -
Ice man
No I'll just clean my glasses instead. -
Linda Joy
Orange doesn't rhyme. And the color was named after the fruit. up until then they used a word that meant red-yellow.
A blowjob.
Filling in their tax forms.
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