Should be. Along with tightrope walking and jaywalking.
Ice man
What about all 3 at the same time ? -
Lilo Avli
Sorry, my mind wavered and you got me thinking of Stormy, Sticky and Stinky, when I read that. Erm, the question in hand, no that is not a good statement either. No, in reflection, all 3 at the same time would be a circus act, not a profession. -
Ice man
That's an odd statement coming from a clown... -
Lilo Avli
I cannot see the benefit of walking a dog along a tightrope....especially if it was one of your Bouviers. The urine would fall like rain, and getting the poor pooch to poop a string of sausages along a wire nigh on impossible. -
Ice man
I think you should start taking your meds.again, you're not firing on all three cylinders if you think dogs shit out strings of sausages. Fool, that's what butchers do. -
Lilo Avli
I spent all my meds money on those blue toilet blocks you recommended. I don't have any guns to fire, and I'm reporting my butcher first thing Monday morning. To the relevant authorities.
If it is a service for which one is paid it is definitely taxable income. Whether or not it is a "profession" is not relevant. Almost any income earned is taxable including the interest one receives on the savings account at the bank.
Ice man
Thanks, I was thinking of post retirement jobs. -
OC Joe
Yeah, I was too but I keep looking for a job where I can show up whenever I feel like coming in and work for as long as I feel like being there. So far, no offers...?
Yes. There are professional dog walkers all over NY City. There are tv commercials that started recently for a company called Wag showing green shirted people using a lock box to get into your home to take fido for a walk. They put a tracker on the dog so you can see where your dog is walking and how long its out. So, yes, dog walker is a legitimate profession.
Ice man
That sounds cool. Would you be interested in working/walking for them ?
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