I have no friends and have never been on there, to trust it or to return.
Ice man
Evidently you're smarter than the 82 million that do. -
Lilo Avli
Smarter and better looking. -
Ice man
You forgot modest. -
Lilo Avli
Who is she ? -
Ice man
She's the tallest one in your church choir. How could you miss those big, voluptuous ..... buck teeth ? -
Lilo Avli
Damn it ! She told me her name was Larry and bred rabbits for a living. -
Ice man
Oh, that would be something to see. Eh? In Mexico they have some ladies that do that with donkeys. -
Lilo Avli
How much is a one-way ticket to Mexico nowadays ? Just askin'. Outta curiosity, like. -
Ice man
About half as much as a return ticket, would be a pretty safe bet. -
Lilo Avli
That's such a good deal, I think I'll buy two tickets, whilst they are on offer.
And a week later ... the number is now up to 87 million, and still growing.
Lilo Avli
My toe nails are up to 5mm....and still growing. Is this just a coincidence or a Marxist-Canadian conspiracy ? -
Ice man
Yes !! -
Lilo Avli
D'oh ! You'd think I would have learned by now, for chrissakes ! -
Ice man
Don't beat yourself up (or off) about it. Some folks learn slower than others...
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