You've had a crap night's sleep !!
Ice man
LOL I can't argue with that. : ) -
Beaker Five-O
Sorry....I asked a similar question earlier. Must have subliminally seen it. -
Ice man
No worries, it's quite alright. It's nice to see new faces asking questions. Welcome to AB. -
Beaker Five-O
Thank you for your welcome !! There don't appear to be many people around today. When is it best to chat on here ? -
Ice man
I'm not sure what the best time would be anymore, I was busy with work and haven't been around very much in recent months. Chat is often difficult because of a lack of proper notification. The email doesn't always send us notice so we have to keep going back over comment threads to see if there are any replies. It would be so nice if this site had a proper message system or private chat. There are a lot of features that we use to have on our old site which the admin has yet to install on the new site. One can only hope for what the future might bring.
Depends where on your body the hairs are.
Ice man
Canada. They're in Canada. Oh sorry, I can read better now with my glasses on. They're on my head.. : ) -
Lilo Avli
As if.
I think that would depend on whether they were pulling it gently and lovingly or whether they were trying to rip it out by the roots And I guess whether you like it gentle or rough!
Ice man
I don't really care much for having any kind of my hair pulled, but in this particular dream/nightmare I was being dragged about by my head hair, and it hurt. My assailant was a pissed off,violent, faceless giant. What do you suppose that meant ? -
Linda Joy
It means you have an unidentified dominant Force that's going to try and control you! What did you eat before bed? I like my hair brushed and played in but not pulled hard! My stepfather pulled me out of bed by my hair and kicked me with cowboy boots on once. I'm sure you've had a few scraps as well that left lumps on your head from hair pulling. No, not fun! -
Ice man
Yup, been there, done that, got the t-shirt. Unidentified dominant force .. okay, got it. Now what did I eat before bed (have to think about that one) ... it was either honey-nut cheerios & chili or ... 3 & 1/2 day old pepperoni & onion pizza. : ) -
Linda Joy
Do you mix the chili and cherios together? Or eat them separately? -
Ice man
Mixed if i'm out of milk and beer. -
Linda Joy
What if you have milk and beer? -
Ice man
Then I drink the beer and don't eat late at night.
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