none, im a pretty good speller
Sometimes I spell these words wrong. Business and Theater.
Stick your index fingers inside your mouth and gently pull sideways, just enough that the center of your lips can still touch each other ... now say "puck". .
Linda Joy
LOL that's akin to telling me to look down my shirt and spell attic! -
Ice man
Pretty much -
Linda Joy
or hold on to your tongue and say my grandma has a big glass bowl
I've gotten pretty good with most of them. I used to have trouble with "Caribbean" until I invented the mnemonic "carib bean". There are other words that I have to use a mnemonic or I have to mentally pronounce as spelled (not as spoken) when I am typing. Things like "February", "Wednesday", etc.
Onomatopoeia. It just pi&&es me off.
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