If I knew the Elephants were taken care of I'd be happy. Very happy.
I am sure you love elephants.........
Thing: Redline Hotwheels. Food: Prime Rim from Outbacks. In general: My God and my family.
Coffee, and my calculator. I guess the latter sounds weird but I love it.
i try not to get into foods, i just eat cause i need to
Thing ?
Pizza. Gotta love it! 🍕 😋
Acorn soup and deer meat for me. Takes me back to my youth in my memory and reminds me of my predecessors. It is becoming a lost art to make it well though. There is a lot of time required in its preparation. 10/4/23
Chana Masala.
Definitely chocolate cake. I knew I couldn't forget to mention it.
Seriously: there isn't any such thing (if we're talking physical objects). There are some foods that are more satisfying than others...but none that make me happy or happier. Likewise with material objects. None make me *happy*. Some are *satisfying*.
Imagining a T Rex changing a duvet cover always cheers me up.
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