Ice man
I can see what you are doing here, but would you care to elaborate ? -
Linda Joy
I Could make an entire list. From mildly impressive things like hanging over the side of a ship and painting it to driving a weapons loader or an aircraft tow tractor . Or silly mundane things like I can say the alphabet backwards. I once cracked an entire case of 300 eggs one at a time into a pan throwing the shells away in under 8 minutes. I can knot a cherry stem in my mouth. I can solve that little triangle Cracker Barrel game down to one peg in under a minute. I once had 8 people insist on cramming into one booth at a Waffle House you know where some orders have three or four dishes each and I carried it all out at once potentially 24 plates! I didn't count them I wish I had. I dropped one order of hash browns called it back to the Cook on my way to the table by the time I was done placing each person's food in front of them that order of potatoes was done and ready for me to take it out too! and at Waffle House you have to watch out for that cheese if you stack a plate on top of cheese it'll stick to the bottom of the dish every time! LOL! I can fold a money bill into a ring, a hairbow, or a bow tie. when my grandson was about 2 I made him a bow tie out of an American flag! I can crochet. Oh and back to your list I can dance sing twirl a baton, and I'm DEFINITELY MAGICAL! -
Ice man
You had me at " knot a cherry stem in my mouth.". : ) -
Linda Joy
I had you about two or 3 days after I got here when you said I was going to fit in just fine! And that's when you first had me! Just after I told Beaker "it sounds like I'm gonna need a pair of noise cancelling headphones!" He and Mr. Pants had me answering notifications for two days straight! But knotting a cherry stem in my mouth is not the most impressive thing I can do! ?
I can irritate the hell out of people, which amuses me at times. Wait a minute -- that is pretty common, no?
Ice man
It might be common, but I'd say it still falls into the category of "special, and possibly entertaining". lol
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