ive never had schizophrenia but my sister has
Why come on a question and answer site? Try contacting a psychiatrist.
There is a large host of mental health providers at any local VA Hospital. They saved my life. And they have a an MVP program that collects loads of data. MVP stands for Million Veterans' Program. That's where I'd go. But since I live in Birmingham, AL we also have UAB which trains doctors and many leading research programs are centered here. So we have many resources.
Fascinating topic! I hope you don't mind my suggesting going to a professional. I say this because who knows for certain if people are honest on the internet.
No two agree on what it even is,, all they agree upon is that no two schizophrenics have the same symptoms.
Cry me a River
It,s the title they give someone who does not fall into any of the other categories.
Schizophrenia is not a disease, it,s an impairment, either of the brain or, the spirit, which is speech.
Speech or language impairment can be of several types, one being aphasia caused by an injury or stroke.
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