The "inequality" is about same sex marr-riage. Which is not God's plan. But you are right that a lot of folks are bashing Donald Trump for what he says. But ain't it funny though they keep finding out he is right?
If you accept that God creates all life, then who creates gays? I can tell you with 100% assurance that nobody could convince me to "turn" gay. Can you think of any way anyone could convince you? -
Linda Joy
Inequality is about anything that is not equal. -
Yes well, I don't suppose that wide-spread child abuse by the clergy was part of God's Plan either and that is just about as unequal as you can get. -
Linda Joy
It was God's plan to let man choose for himself. It was Satan's plan to have control over our freedoms to choose. -
Linda Joy
And later as part of the child's recovery they get to choose whether or not to use the strength and perspective they've gained from the experience to help other children through the process of recovery and strengthening and 're empowerment. . -
Linda Joy
By the way I was molested probably a half a dozen times and none of it was by clergy. Are we talking from experience here? If so I'm sorry that happened to you. -
Linda Joy
God didn't molest the Child. One person chose to molest the child. And they are personally responsible for their choices. And they will stand before God and answer for those choices unless they repent. -
Linda Joy
The child will choose to learn violence and hatred or learn the Miracle of Forgiveness! Once again a choice between freedom or bondage. These are choices we make again and again every day! In many ways we choose every day hatred and bondage or forgiveness and freedom. -
Army Veteran
"IS THAT THE SAME GOD THAT YOU CAN'T PROVE IS REAL TO ANYONE ELSE?" - what is this...35 times you've replied with this asinine drivel? -
Yeah, and it's about that many times that you've gotten upset with me, because you know I'm right. You mindless children and your invisible creatures... you want everyone to live by your cult crap, but you can never prove any of it. -
Army Veteran
LOL - You're a card. You wanna talk about "cult crap", let's talk about Pizzagate and your Liberal heroes who indulge in predatory sex with children and sniffing people. These are your gods and they teach denial to everything that opposes them - including the God I believe in. You're a classic example of my quote "denial is no substitute for intelligence". -
Army Veteran
God doesn't create gays any more than He creates child molesters. People who believe this are those who can't accept responsibility for their own actions - they constantly lay the blame on someone else. As LJ said, people have the ability to choose for themselves - if you make the wrong choice, don't blame it on God.
Maybe so, but that isn't going to stop him.
When Obama appeared on Jimmy Fallon, Fox called it "unpresidential" for him to do so. If Trump were to do so, wouldn't you expect the same criticism?
Linda Joy
I assume every president has been criticized. And I expect every one from here on out will be as well I don't have a problem with people voicing criticisms I'm saying it is inequality for people to say that it's okay for certain people to protest and that Donald Trump has no right to voice his opinion. He has just as much right as anybody else to say stupid stuff. -
The problem is that, as President, he is responsible through his Cabinet for the result of worldwide negotiations. Look at what we make out of Kim Jong Un and Putin, then ask if it is wise for Trump to tweet and speak as openly as he does. -
Linda Joy
No, I never said he was wise. -
Linda Joy
And worldwide negotiations have nothing to do with the NFL or them disrespecting our flag. -
Army Veteran
Speaking openly signifies a transparent presidency. It's when presidents conspire covertly that you have cause for concern. -
Oh yeah, like when they conspire to have a rally and then attack the Capitol Building while Congress is in session trying to certify the federal election. -
Army Veteran
They "conspired" to have a rally? Such a position from someone who defended terrorist "protests" throughout Trump's 4 years as President. Anyone who declares the 2020 election to be "fair" has no credibility with me - not when they protested about the outcome of the 2016 election that they claimed Trump cheated in. Where's your proof of that?
An inequality? No..... Are you serious? I have every respect for your flag and your patriotism, but please don't let your patriotism blind you. Do you not think Americans have a right to oppose his clearly childish rants and lies?. As an individual citizen he had every right to say what ever entered his little pea, no matter how stupid it made him look. The problem is that now he is the president, and should listen to people wiser than him, before running off at the mouth and making remarks unbecoming of the office he sits in. When he became president he started representing a once great nation, with the promise of making it great again. Since then he has turned the U.S.A. into the laughing stock of the world, with his lack of political savvy.
Linda Joy
I think everyone has a right to voice their opinions, no matter how ridiculous, and they can equally take the backlash, but no one's life or family should be threatened. (this has happened to both Kaepernick and Trump) And neither should be told they don't have a right to voice their opinions. And it's my personal opinion that anyone who disrespects our flag and our veterans brings disrespect to themselves. Also I believe it is inequality to say one side has a right to protest and the other has no right to voice their opinion. -
Ice man
You "think" everyone has a right ? Yes you do, and your rights are clearly stated in your constitution for all to read, I never said anything to the contrary. I disagree that this has anything to do with Veterans, but trump would very much like to stir the pot by bringing them into it to stir the emotions and regain favor with some of those who have lost faith in him. As I said, don't let your patriotism blind you to what trump is doing to America. I'd like to know where your idea of this "inequality" came from in the first place, and what kind of numbers does "many" translate to ? I'm on my way out to a Legion meeting and don't want to be late, but I'll check back here when I get home tonight. -
Everyone has a right to protest, as long as their protest does not invoke murder, rioting, assault or supremacist language against any group. But, there is also a place and a time for protest: you cannot yell "fire!" in a crowded theatre. Private performances and public space are different. -
Linda Joy
I've been up for two days and now I'm confused so to avoid playing semantics I'm just going to ask you flat-out do you believe Donald Trump overstepped his bounds or crossed a line or however you said it by voicing his opinion? -
Linda Joy
Mushrooms comment wasn't here when I keyed my comment. I'm not sure who's arguing what anymore but I know for certain that I didn't say anybody didn't have a right to protest. They've got so many other ways that they could protest but they chose to disrespect my flag my country and my veterans and I didn't need to hear anybody else suggest that that's what was happening I formed that opinion on my own. I don't care what excuses they're giving for what they're doing they could protest a million other ways. This is the one way that's going to backfire on them. -
Linda Joy
You two are too blinded by your dislike of Trump to be fair and equal. I swore to support and defend the Constitution of the United States regardless of whether or not I like whose opinion is being trampled. But I will defend anybody's right to express their opinion till the day I die. Even if I don't like their opinion. -
Linda Joy
"should listen to people wiser than him" Just as the players should respect our flag as outlined in the handbook but they don't have to and neither does he! -
Linda Joy
I'm not blinded by my patriotism. And I'm not listening to Trump. And I'm not listening to the players. I'm looking with my own eyes at what is happening when they disrespect my flag! like I said they've got a hundred other ways they could protest and the way they're doing it is not even effective you tell me what's their ultimate goal when will they know they've reached it What conditions need to be met for this protest to be over? can they even agree on what they're protesting against the answer is no and I've already posted the link that explains that. I'm not here to debate politics. I'm here to defend the rights of Americans ALL of them! -
Linda Joy
"there is also a place and a time for protest: " So mushroom are you agreeing with me that during the national anthem preceding an NFL football game is not the time or the place to disrespect our flag with protest? As with yelling fire there might be a rush of patriotic Americans storming the exits in disgust because they don't want to look upon such blatant disrespect for our flag! -
Ice man
Sweetie, I just got home and read what you've written since I left to go meet with my Legion brothers, ... we love you and I respect you, as well as should say THANK YOU very much for your service to your country. I mean that with all of my heart, and I hope you don't see my words until you've had enough well deserved sleep. Don't worry about what the rest of the world thinks for right now, your immediate well being is more important. You might not believe it .... but there are those of us who actually care. As one NAVY vet to another ... "Get some sleep Sailor. We need you to swab the deck in the morning. An' if that don't get a smile out of ya .... we'll toss ya overboard ! ARRR ! : ) -
Linda Joy
Thank you, and thank you for your service as well. I had a nice long rest! But as is usually the case when I sleep long and hard I woke up in pain. It's still always worth it! Even if I did dream I was shot in my left butt cheek and the ppl at the hospital wouldn't help me! At least it was just a dream and not a terror. You'd never throw me over, you'd at least let me walk the plank, matey! -
Yes, I do agree that making a political statement during a game is not the appropriate time or place, unless the protest was with the game/league itself. The players may instead have sat out the game in protest, just as you might take a day off work to attend a protest. I would feel the same way if I pay for concert tickets for a performer whose work is not noted for a certain political stance and instead get 20 minutes of lecture. It's different if the performance was billed as being in support/against some position. Annoying your audience is not recommended. -
Linda Joy
No, Linda and I am disappointed in you, I thought you had better understanding than this. The case of ol' Donald is that for a geriatric he possesses no "wisdom" that you could empower your child with. At least none without having social services or the courts remove the child from you for neglect. As a "leader" is no more gracious and empowering than a gang leader or pirate head in a slum port. Or to put it gently. If a man like Trump was to write a CV for a job at McDonalds, the rejection letter would include include the words. "We have no positions or bigoted, divisive sexists that are more interested in what they have to say than what facts and circumstance merit. Try applying for the post of POTUS instead.
Linda Joy
I'm just really proud of you for not calling me names this time around. -
Linda Joy
unemployment is at 4.2% the lowest in a decade, a million jobs have been added, national debt has declined 102 billion, crime is down 1.8% which is the lowest since 1990. -
I don't call you names, Linda. you just take it that way and those figures you're quoting are from what Obama got rolling - not Trump. -
Linda Joy
Yes, you do, and we'll see.
sounds like it, not sure why everyone hates him so much
And others can not understand how some can respect a leader who seems bent on cutting funding for health car, social programs, environmental protections, international relations. One that degrades women and minorities, confounds our allies and questions his own military and intelligence services. He seldom utters a coherent thought, and mocks those that do. I would not want him to led a troop of boy scouts, or be in the same room with any ones daughter. The whole election was about hatred for Clinton and letting anger unite us. Now --anger is greater, and we have no leadership by him or his lackeys. For those that have an appreciation of him -- please share, what has he done so far? Do we see evidence of any higher thoughts being advanced, of any empathy. of anything, other then ego? -
Linda Joy
I don't usually keep up with politics but since you asked... What has he done so far? unemployment is at 4.2% the lowest in a decade, a million jobs have been added, national debt has declined 102 billion, crime is down 1.8% which is the lowest since 1990. Frankly I don't care how others view our president I'm starting to think he's improved our country! Thanks for the question before I didn't have an opinion. -
Army Veteran
The hatred started before he was even elected. So you ask a valid question - one that deniers can't answer, so they parrot all of the lies they've been fed.
Sure life is not fair. This one would not even make my list of the top five hundred "inequalities." Look around -- see your neighbors, see the starving, the sick, the homeless, those that struggle everyday to feed themselves and their children. Yes -- he has a "right" to be who he is. Many don't have the option of being what they could be.
Ice man
Well said, thank you. -
Linda Joy
I wasn't rating it only pointing out the inequality. Your rant Is completely unfounded. Here's the truth: Unemployment is at 4.2% the lowest in a decade, a million jobs have been added, national debt has declined 102 billion, crime is down 1.8% which is the lowest since 1990. Unless you've ever been poor or homeless you have very little to teach me about it because I've lived it. And just out of curiosity what have you personally done to help the poor and homeless you claim to be so concerned about? Since you asked about my neighbors the whole group of us who are rent assisted got a DECREASE in our rents for the first time in the five years since I've lived here! Thank you for asking! Before your questions on this question I didn't have an opinion one way or the other on Donald Trump, now I think I kind of like the guy! I think he's been doing good things for our country, and now I have statistics to present to the Trump haters who don't know the truth. -
Admittedly I do not see much worth in simple questions or replies. I appreciate you letting me know you prefer bluntness. l do not see my remarks as a "rant," but as a stating of my opinion. I feel sure that as you see an inequity in Trump being criticized for opining, you will be the first to defend me -- sarcasm in case you missed it. I also think it strange that one who presents themselves as so caring, empathetic and religious, has little troubling judging others. As to your figures, you may want to look at when the trajectories begun, and how long they had been going on before we ever heard "Make America Great Again." As to the "good things" things Trump is doing -- most of the specifics are what he has undone. There has been nothing approaching a major legislature accomplishment, with his own party in control of both house. As to you "now thinking" you kind of like the guy -- I cry foul. From your wording of this and other questions your mind set is obvious. In regard to this and other comments and remarks you have little interest in an actual discussion as opposed to your posturing. You have shown repeatedly that you prefer to phrase your simplistic questions as editorial comments and have little use for those that do not agree with what you already know to be true.The game seems to be to ask as many as fast as you can with no real curiosity as to input from others. As to what I do or don't do, have done, or will do for others there is no reason to share any specifics. In the first place I don't do for others for my own glory or the praise of others. And -- it is very likely you would discount, disregard anything I could add. One of your previous questions you asked if you could pray for us and if so for what. My reply -- pray for humility, pray for humanity. Enjoy who you are -- because you likely will only become more so. Now, this looks more like a "rant." -
Linda Joy
Actually when I asked what you've done for the poor and homeless I was hoping to see something to like in you. I'm sure I will. I don't consider myself particularly religious. I'm definitely not a good Christian and never claimed such. In case you didn't know questions that are answered are put back at the top of the list. Many in the list are not recent, but I do spend a lot of time here some days. I've actually only asked one question today, and spent at least two hours trying to catch up on answering my notifications. Anyway think whatever you wish, it's no matter to me. And I'll be happy to pray for humility for us both. -
You have a propensity to comment on being proud, or not of others, of offering prays for others, of offering guidance -- in general of thinking that others are looking for your approval. In that vain you added "I was hoping to see something I like in you." And yet you end with "Anyway think what you want, it;s no matter to me." So -- in conclusion I am to care for your thoughts, but you dismiss mine. My pray request did not specify humility for only one or two, but the wider humanity -- again you seem to see the world, affronts, injuries, as personal. In the total scheme -- the world just does not care that much about you, or I. -
Linda Joy
I'm aware of that dear. You'll see what you wish and that's your choice. (Its vein not vain) But I have friends here and I'll interact with them however I choose. Your opinion is not a factor. Is that any more clear? I don't need anyone's approval. I like to help people if I can and I'm sorry I brought anger from elsewhere into this answer. What I saw above was a disabled friend being attacked by a relative stranger and assumed a protective and defensive posture instead of being as friendly as I should have been. And for that I'm sorry.
He does have the right to express his opinion and he does so, frequently. People don't want him to express his opinion because they are often outdated and at odds with the rest of the world.
Linda Joy
I wouldn't really know I haven't watched TV for about 5 years . I listen to the radio and the last radio station I listen to didn't even have advertisements. I've just been recently exposed to the world of advertisements and I try to avoid politics. I just don't have the stomach for it. -
Army Veteran
Liberals don't want him to express his opinion because they're afraid he'll expose their corruption. Conservatives don't want him to express his opinion because his demeanor is often crude and doesn't shine the best light on his constituents - but he's truthful in what he says. The Left doesn't like truth. -
Linda Joy
Like or not, he still has a right. And even if I didn't like him I'd defend that right.
Just the retarded politically 'correct' morons who have no qualms about spouting their accusations to non clones!
Isn't it nice to get so many responses with one little question? I suppose mushroom replied to my answer? I only answered with what came to my mind at the first thought. Lol.
My general attitude towards gays is that it is a MYOB issue, as long as it's between consenting adults yadda yadda. One of those things that is hard to reconcile is that male-male sex is called an abomination, but female-female is not mentioned in the Sodom narrative (which is about inhospitality more than about homosexuality). Romans 1:26 seems to be referring to idolaters in 1:21, not a general practice among people who are otherwise believers. I might suspect that this sort of thing in plural marriages and consorts often went unreported. -
Rick Myres
I only mentioned the mar-riage part (hyphened for a reason) and not the other parts you chose to include with it.
Donald has every right to act in accordance with his conscience. Politics tends to suggest a good politician has to put on a certain face, especially as President. I totally accept Trumps right to express any opinion about anything. Using power or position of power to repress free expression of those that disagree is another story.(Like Cristi's administration closing that bridge) Trump to me is a very poor role model for our youth given how little tolerance he has.
Everyone has the right to express their opinion. From what I've seen, it's the left that tries to squash those opinions that they don't agree with.
Linda Joy
The only trouble the Don is finding in expressing his opinion lies in his inability to complete a coherent sentence.
What do you mean by "an inequality"? Obviously that is not a LEGAL inequality, as Trump DOES have the right and DOES exercise it. Frankly, I don't understand why anyone would CARE what Trump's opinion is, but obviously he DOES have the right to give it...even: broadcast it.
It's not just Trump, it's anybody who agrees with him or has a conservative, pro-Constitution or Christian POV.
He expresses his opinions all the time. What on earth makes you think he doesn't have that right??
Linda Joy
Being banned from social media for one. Also everyone saying so on social media.
its really bad freedom of speech has died .
I don't think Donald Trump will let anyone stop him having an opinion, if in doubt twitter.
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