Never. I learned when I was a teenager that they quit working when I wear them.
Ice man
Lol, I guess Timex would never have offered you a job as a watch tester ? But, I'll bet you're never late either, eh? -
Quit working when you wear them....What ? -
Linda Joy
Actually Ice man the first one that quit working was a Timex! It was a Cinderella watch it came with the little statue and everything and it was either a Christmas or birthday present and it quit working. My mom sent it back and they replaced it and within a month it had quit working as well. My sister says she has the same problem. And no, I don't like to be late there's usually a clock in the car and when that didn't work I used to buy the little stick-on ones and put them on my dash. Now I just use my phone for everything. -
Linda Joy
'Tiz true Abha! And more common than you might think: -
Ice man
I own two watches, but almost never wear one and I'm almost never late. I stopped wearing a watch years ago because I don't like anything around my wrist, I even roll up my shirt sleeves to get them off my wrists. -
Linda Joy
just in case you didn't see my comment on your comment above:
when i go somewhere and need to keep track of time like catching buses or going to an appt
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