Yes, and I think everybody who has had to speak, or perform, in front of a large crowd has gone through a case of "stage fright" and the nervousness before. As a young man I was very shy and introvert, but I learned to cast my fear aside and become very bold when the situation called for it. That was many years ago, but it still serves me well today because from time to time I have to address crowds of around 200 people. I don't worry about what people will think of me, but I do make sure that my zipper is up. : )
I wish I had that much confidence ! -
Ice man
You are young and will build self confidence with experience. Once you get past the initial fear of opening up it gets easier, and you will be amazed at yourself. There is nothing in this world that you can't accomplish, and it all begins with a little self confidence and willpower. Always remember .. " Fortune favors the bold." ... and that's the truth. -
Thank you Ice man ! 😊😊😊😃😃😃☺☺☺
sometimes, i think everyone does
10-5-2017 Those words are thrown around by so many people who have no idea what they are talking about that they no longer have any certain meaning. People talk about "anxiety" when they mean lack of training. Or B vitamin deficiency. Or calcium deficiency. Or maybe they are not sure whether they have committed a social blunder. Or a lot of other things. So You need to explain exactly what philosophy you are investigating before you can get straight answers.
Ice man
@ Jewels - Evidently you still haven't figured out why people think you're a pompous asshole. Does if make you feel bigger & better about yourself when you don't answer the question, then criticize people and talk down to them, as if you are some great pillar of knowledge? Follow the link and learn something... you "Dip Shit" ! -
Jewels Vern
Ice Man, you are the only person who has ever used those words to me. It's ok if you disagree, but you do not strengthen your position by trying to insult me. I simply do not accept your insults. So I guess they still belong to you. -
Ice man
Well it's about time someone stood up to your arrogance and pompous attitude, and gave you a little taste of your own medicine. What's interesting is that you need to be insulting to just about everyone you answer. Actually I should correct that ... you don't really answer the questions at all, but you need to be insulting and then explain to people that they don't even know the relevance of their question or their choice of words. Your non-answer to this very question is proof of that, but this is just one example. Look back at the rest of your non-answer answers for further proof of what I'm saying. If you don't like a question ... you don't need to answer it. Just move on and find a question that you don't need to answer like a pompous ass, which you are. -
Jewels Vern
You have lousy manners. Work on that, ok? -
Ice man
If that's the best you can do, then you are truly a sad little individual. Lose your attitude towards what you don't understand and rejoin the human race. Work on that, OK? -
Jewels Vern, you actually never answer any question and all you do is criticizing people and their questions. Please change your attitude.
Everyone feels anxious at times, but people with social anxiety have a *constant* fear of being judged.
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