It depends on what the meaning of the word 'is' is.
Linda Joy
third person singular present of be.
I never heard you voice. If it is like when I was very much younger . . . . . Oh wait you said vocabulary. I would think it depends on one's perception.
10-4-2017 No. Yes. Next question.
Linda Joy
Next question- What's your IQ? -
Jewels Vern, told you, you never "really" answer -
Jewels Vern
People here are so unfriendly that I am almost ready to go back to Yahoo Answers. And I swore I would never do that. -
Linda Joy
No, I really do want to know your IQ! I'm guessing it's over 100, maybe over 120. Higher? -
Linda Joy
Abha, I'm only caught up to Sep 21 on my notifications because I took one week off to read a book and got behind. And no, I can't comment on every answer and every following comment! Keep asking questions and you'll see! I spent two hours today answering notifications and I still have over 500! That's since Sep 21! Whatever I'm tired of investing time in this site only to be criticized and unappreciated. -
Linda Joy
You know what? I don't even care what anybody here thinks of me anymore. -
Linda Joy
We're not even notified when someone comments on our question. we're only notified when someone comments on our answer. Or answers our question.
Test us with a few samples!
Linda Joy
You have over 4500 samples! Scroll up, click the name under my pic and marvel at the vast vocabulary exemplified in my 3600+ answers and almost 1000 questions! And if that's not enough for a sampling check out my bio send me an email! I can teach you words you've never known before! ;-) lol
Sexy 😅😅😅😅😅😅
Linda Joy
I'm posting here so you'll get a notification I commented on your comment on Vern's answer.
it might be
Sexy words are whispered into ones friends ear!
not sure
not that i know of
Yes...Do you think my tractor's sexy?
I do, and your farmer's tan. :P -
LMAO! Aw shucks. -
Linda Joy
I've never seen your tractor, but I'm sure we could make it so!
Oh, I love it when you undress me with your mouth. xD
Linda Joy
Mmmmmmm.... I could, you know! Ha ha
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