thats up to you, let me know when you publish the book, i might want to buy it
Linda Joy
Thank you, but I'm reading a book not writing one. I talk about writing my life story because I've been encouraged to but if I ever do write it, it will only be for my progeny I don't plan to publish. But if I ever actually write it I'll send you a copy.
It is off topic but I like your avatar.
Linda Joy
Thank you. I was about 26 in that photo. I like yours with the hat and glasses or the mouse with the guitar. -
Rick Myres
Your welcome. I HAVE thought about using my school picture from about . . . oh I can't think what school year it was. Lol -
Linda Joy
I have one of those two I think I was about 15 I'm a put it up the beginning of next month -
Rick Myres
I just thought of a year to use and it willnot be that far off. I have one from my 3rd grade the only one I can find especially since both parents are gone.
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