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i dont usually hear people talk about it, the people that do it are the ones that didnt talk about it first, but i mightve told someone about it if i had heard them talking about it
It depends on the person, although if someone is really serious they are more likely not to tell someone outright
i never hear people talking that way but i might if i did
Depression is one of the illnesses that we’ve inherited from our disobedient relatives, Adam and Eve. It is real. It is powerful. It is destructive. “I have become disconcerted, I have bowed low to an extreme degree; all day long I have walked about sad.”—Psalm 38:6. We should not ignore it, or fake it. Matthew 7:12 exhorts is to treat others as we would like to be treated. If someone uses suicide to manipulate others, shame on them! Proverbs 10:14 says that the mouth of a fool invites ruin, I prefer not to associate (or be in the same room) with foolish people.
It is import to take any suicide threat very seriously regardless if you don't think that person would actually do it or not. You don't know. Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. Report it.
Yes, I do, especially if I know the person in question.
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